sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2015

Merkaba DNA Activation & Ascension - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones -...

Razões pelas quais a meditação deve ser praticada nas escolas

Razões pelas quais a meditação deve ser praticada nas escolas

Se todas as crianças de oito anos aprenderem meditação, nós eliminaremos a violência do mundo dentro de uma geração.
— Dalai Lama
Imagine que a meditação se torne uma prática regular na vida escolar das crianças. Basta pensar o quão diferente o mundo seria se cada criança for capaz de conectar ao oceano de consciência que permeia tudo, o desejo de fazer mal ao outros iria ser significativamente menor, pois a meditação nos permite descobrir através da experiência, quem realmente somos.
O problema na sociedade hoje é que estamos constantemente correndo de nós mesmos, e consequentemente, da verdade. Estamos tão ocupados com a correria do dia a dia que nunca tomamos tempo para descobrir quem somos no âmago de nosso ser. A maioria de nós aprendemos a ser algo que não somos, a nos ajustar para se conformar e obedecer às normas sociais. Aprendemos a colocar uma máscara e sermos escravos de nosso próprio ego. E nos tornamos tão bons nisso que somente a ideia de tirar essa máscara já causa um desconforto desagradável. Então traímos a nós mesmos e deixamos nosso ego comandar, ficamos insensíveis ao mundo e todos os seres que nele vivem. Vendemos a nossa alma por uma ilusão de quem somos, e no fundo, uma parte nossa sabe que algo está muito errado.
E se desde cedo, parássemos de correr de nós mesmos? E se aprendermos a olhar pra dentro desde a tenra idade?
Se as escolas ensinarem a meditação, as crianças podem descobrir suas verdadeiras paixões, seus interesses e potencial criativo. Elas não seriam tão incomodadas, inseguras e aprenderiam a viver para o momento presente.
A meditação ajuda a compreender a vida, através dela, as crianças não seriam tão propensas ao estresse, preocupações e doenças. Elas também poderiam desenvolver laços mais fortes com todos os seres e teriam menos necessidade de competir com seus semelhantes.

Muitos estudos clínicos têm demonstrado que a meditação desenvolve a capacidade do cérebro, e com isso, melhora o foco e a concentração. Além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico, protegendo o organismo contra doenças.
Como já foi mostrado aqui, estudos desenvolvidos pela Universidade da Califórnia revelaram que a prática da meditação aumenta o número de dobras no córtex cerebral e, com isso, melhora o processamento de informações e emoções. Os resultados foram publicados na revista Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Presume-se que quanto maior o número de dobras, melhor a capacidade do cérebro de processar informações, tomar decisões e formar memórias, além de aumentar o autocontrole. O córtex é a camada externa do cérebro e tem papel fundamental na memória, atenção, pensamento e consciência.
Uma outra pesquisa realizada pelo Instituto de Medicina e Prevenção Natural da Universidade de Maharishi, observou 201 pessoas com doença arterial coronariana (DAC) que se dividiram em um dois grupos: um programa de meditação transcendental e um programa de educação para a saúde. Depois de cinco anos de observação, o grupo que praticou meditação mostrou uma redução de risco de 48% de sofrer um acidente vascular cerebral.
O Departamento de Psiquiatria da Universidade Emory também chegou à uma conclusão semelhante em um estudo sobre o impacto da meditação no cérebro. Pesquisadores compararam a massa cinzenta no cérebro de praticantes Zen e não praticantes durante um longo período de tempo. Embora a massa cinzenta diminua normalmente com a idade, no caso dos praticantes Zen não houve nenhuma redução.
Felizmente a meditação nas escolas já é uma realidade e está acontecendo inclusive aqui no Brasil. Há um ano, as notas dos alunos do Centro de Apoio O Visconde, no Real Parque (zona oeste de São Paulo) melhoraram por causa da introdução de yoga e meditação.
Antes das aulas de português e matemática, 134 alunos fazem um conjunto de exercícios físicos e de respiração e praticam 20 minutos de meditação (fecham os olhos e mentalizam palavras ou sons).
A Sociedade Internacional de Meditação é a favor da incorporação da prática na rotina das escolas.
Basta imaginar o quanto futuras gerações podem ganhar com esta prática regular, os benefícios são extraordinários. É realmente importante implementar a meditação nas escolas, se vamos aprender a viver pacificamente uns com os outros, precisamos primeiro descobrir que a paz se encontra dentro de nós.

- Veja mais em:

Massive 5,000-Year-Old Underground City Discovered Beneath Turkey. You Have To See This!

Massive 5,000-Year-Old Underground City Discovered Beneath Turkey. You Have To See This

This is something else! A previously unknown metropolis has been unearthed in Turkey. It was discovered during an urban development project started by Turkey’s Housing Development Administration in the Nevsehir province of Central Anatolia. The metropolis is a 7 kilometer span of tunnels, chambers, and escape galleries.
The upper levels of the complex were first seen in 2013, but the full size of the metropolis wouldn’t be discovered until 2014. About $35 million was invested into this project, but after the discovery, construction was halted and the area was registered with Turkey’s Cultural National Heritage Preservation Board, making sure this piece of history is protected forever.
“It is not a known underground city. Tunnel passages of seven kilometers are being discussed. We stopped the construction we were planning to do on these areas when an underground city was discovered,” saidTOKİ Head Mehmet Ergün Turan.
Not much has been revealed about the underground tunnels. It does consist of various rooms, tunnels, hidden churches, and contains numerous artifacts that date back as far as 5,000 years. It may also be the world’s largest underground city.

Check it out:

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Drunvalo Melchizedek – The 17 Breath MER-KA-BA Meditation

Drunvalo Melchizedek - The 17 Breath MER-KA-BA Meditation  in5d in 5d
At the In5D Return To Atlantis Conference in 2013, I met a fascinating 84 year old man who has activated his light body by doing the following merkaba meditation. Below the instructions, you will also find a guided meditation for this.
Like the sun, we must breathe, radiating out to all life. And from all life we will receive our manna.
Begin by creating a place in your home that is used only for this meditation. Make a space where no one will walk through or disturb you, possibly in your bedroom. A small altar with a candle and a cushion or pillow to sit upon may be helpful. Make this place holy. It is here that you will learn to create the MER-KA-BA around your body and make conscious contact with your higher self.
Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time comes when you are a conscious breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection with God. To begin themeditation, first sit down and relax. Let the worries of the day go. Breathe rhythmically and shallow. Be aware of your breath and relax. When you feel the tension begin to fade, begin to open your heart. Feel Love. Feel Love for all life everywhere. Continue to breathe rhythmically, being aware of your breath, and feel the Love moving through your spirit. When the FEELING of love is in your beingness, you are ready to begin to move towards the experience to the MERKABA. Without this Love, no amount of knowledge will create the MER-KA-BA. To the degree you are able to Love, will be the degree you will be able to experience the MER-KA-BA.

The Merkaba Field is a permanent and highly ordered Merkabic structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic counter-rotating energy spirals that exist as an integral part of ALL CREATION
The following is an overview of the meditation to reach the MER-KA-BA. There are seventeen breaths to reach completion. The first six are for balancing of the polarities within your eight electical circuits, and , also, for the cleansing of these circuits. The next seven, which are quite different, are to re-establish the proper pranic flow through your body, and to recreate Spherical Breathing within your body. The fourteenth breath is unique unto itself. It changes the balance of pranic energy within your body from third dimensional to fourth dimensional awareness. The last three breaths recreate the rotating fields of the MER-KA-BA within and around your body.
The instructions: The following instructions will be broken down into four areas: MIND, BODY, BREATH and HEART.
HEART: Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you must at least open to this love as much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.
MIND: Become aware of the male tetrahedron (the apex facing up to the sun, the point facing to the front for male, the point to the back for females) filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body. Visualize it the best you can. If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it surrounding you.
BODY: At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first finger touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
BREATH: At this same moment, with empty lungs, begin to breath in a complete yogic manner. Breathe through your nostrils only, except at certain places which will be described. Simply put, breath from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. Do this in one movement, not three parts. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and relaxing the stomach, slowly releasing the air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the chest. The most important aspect is that this breathing must be rhythmic. Begin by using seven seconds in and seven seconds out, but as you get familiar with this meditation, find your own rhythm.
The following instructions for a complete Yogic Breath are from “the Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath” by Yogi Ramacharake. Perhaps this description will be helpful. Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphagm, which descending exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen. Then fill the midddle part of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs, breastbone and chest. Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest, including the upper six or even pairs of ribs. At first reading it may appear that this breath consists of three distinct movements. This, however, is not the correct idea. The inhalation is continuous, the entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest point of the chest in the region of the collar bone, being expanded with a uniform movement. Avoid a jerky series of inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action. Practice will soon overcome the tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and will result in a uniform continuous breath. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds after a little practice. Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little and lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs. When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the chest and abdomen. A little practice will render this part of the exercise easy, and the movement once acquired will be afterward performed almost automatically.
star of david
The pattern of the Star Tetrahedron links with the Star of David
MIND: Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.
BODY: Keep the same mudra.
BREATH: Do NOT hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation. Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to breathe again, after about five seconds or so, then do the following:
MIND: Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the female tetrahedron located in the horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the sternum. In a flash, and with a pulse like energy, send that triangular plane down through the female tetrahedron. It gets smaller as it goes down and pushes out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron all the negative energy of the mudra or electrical circuit, a light will shoot out of the apex toward the center of the Earth. The Mind exercise is performed along with the following BODY movements.
BODY: Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other words, slightly cross your eyes. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other words, look up. Also, this looking up motion should not be extreme. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area of your third eye . You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can. You should feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental exercise with the eye movements. The eyes look down from their up position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down to the apex of the female tetrahedron. This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into your electrical system. Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is associated with the particular mudra you are using. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, you change mudras to the next one and begin the entire cycle over again.
The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:
Second breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together
Third breath mudra: Thumb and third finger together
Fourth breath mudra: Thumb and little finger together
Fifth breath mudra: Thumb and first finger together (same as first breath)
Sixth breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together (same as second breath)
Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Teaching Of The MER-KA-BA |
The star tetrahedral fields around our bodies
The first part, the first six breaths, the balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your electrical system is now complete.
There is also a tube that runs through the center of the body, connecting the apexes of the star tetrahedral field.
Before we fell in consciousness I3,000 years ago, we breathed prana through this tube. Prana simultaneously comes in from the top and passes through the pineal gland, and enters from the bottom, meeting in one of the chakras. Remembering how to breathe through this tube, combined with rotating the fields around the body, produces the merkaba, a vehicle of ascension.
There are actually three star tetrahedral fields superimposed over each other around the body. One is the physical body, one is the mental body, and the third is the emotional body. This is literally so. The fields are rotated by linking together the mind, the emotions, and the physical body. The mental field spins to the left, the emotional field to the right, and the field for the body remains stationary. When these fields are rotated at very specific speeds and in a certain way, a disk pops out at the base of the spine for fifty-five to sixty feet and a sphere appears. It looks like a flying saucer.
This field is known as the merkaba. It is the original creation pattern of the universe on all levels of existence. It is how we got here and it is how we will leave.
The word “Mer” means counter-rotating fields of light; “Ka” spirit; and “Ba” is body or reality. So the Mer-Ka-Ba is a counter-rotating field of light that takes both body and spirit with it. Once you know how to activate these fields you can use your merkaba to travel throughout the universe.
The bottom line on the Flower of Life workshop is the teaching of the merkaba and the activation of this field so that it can, at the appropriate time, be used as a vehicle ofascension.


You are now ready for the next part, the next seven breaths. Here an entirely new breathing pattern begins. You do not need to visualize the star tetrahedron at this time. Only the tube that runs through the star, from the apex of the male tetrahedron above your head to the apex of the female tetrahedron below your feet, needs to be seen and worked with. This extends one hand length above your head and one hand length below your feet. The diameter of YOUR tube will be the size of the hole formed by YOUR thumb and forefinger touching.
HEART: Love. There is another refinement here that can be used after you have perfected thismeditation. It will be discussed in class.
MIND: Visualize or sense the tube running through your body. The instant you begin the seventh inhale, see the brilliant white light of the prana moving down the tube from the top and up the tube from the bottom at the same time. This movement is almost instantaneous. The point where these two light beams meet within your body is controlled by the mind and is a vast science known throughout the universe. In this teaching however, we will only be shown what is necessary , that which will take you from third to fourth dimensional awareness. In this case you will direct the two beams of prana to meet at your navel, or more correct, within your body at navel level, inside the tube. The moment the two beams of prana meet, which is just as the inhale begins, a sphere of white light or prana is formed at the meeting point about the size of a grapefruit centered on the tube. It all happens in an instant. As you continue to take the inhale of the seventh breath, the sphere of prana begins to concentrate and grow slowly.
BODY For the next seven breaths use the same mudra for both inhale and exhale, the thumb, first and second touching together palms up.
BREATH: Deep rhythmic Yogic breathing, seven seconds in and seven seconds out. There is no holding of the breath from now on. The flow of prana from the two poles will not stop or change in any way when you go from inhale to exhale. It will be a continuous flow that will not stop for a long as you breath in this manner, even after death.
MIND: The prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow. By the time of the full exhale, the prana sphere will be approximately eight or nine inches in diameter.
BREATH: Do not force the air out of your lungs. When your lungs are empty naturally, immediately begin the next breath.
HEART: Love.
MIND: The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energy and grow in size.
MIND: The prana sphere continues to grow in size and will reach maximum size at the end of this breath. This maximum size is different for each person. If you put your longest finger in the center of your navel, the line on your wrist defining your hand will show you the radius of the maximum size of this sphere for YOU. This sphere of prana cannot grow larger.
MIND: The prana sphere cannot grow larger, so what happens is the prana begins to concentrate within the sphere. The visual appearance is that the sphere grows BRIGHTER.
BREATH: Sphere grows brighter and brighter as you inhale.
BREATH: As you exhale, the sphere continues to grow brighter and brighter.
MIND: About half way through this inhale, as the sphere continues to brighter, the pranasphere reaches critical mass. The sphere ignites into a sun, a brilliant blinding ball of white light. You are now ready for the next step.
MIND: At the moment of exhale, the small sphere two hand lengths in diameter bulges to expand. In one second, combined with the breath talked about below, the sphere expands quickly out to the sphere of Leonardo, out at your finger tips of your extended arms. Your body is now completely enclosed within a huge sphere of brilliant white light.
You have returned to the ancient form of spherical breathing. However, at this point, this sphere is not stable. You MUST breath three more times to keep the sphere stable.
BREATH: At the moment of exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out your air with pressure. As you feel the sphere begin to bulge, all within the first second of this exhale, let all of your air out rapidly. The sphere will expand at that moment.


MIND: Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two poles and meeting at the navel and then expanding out to the large sphere
BREATH: Breath rhythmically and deep. At the end of the thirteenth breath you have stabilized the large sphere and are ready for the important 14th breath.
MIND: On the inhale of the 14th breath, at the very beginning of the breath, move the point where the two beams of prana meet from the navel to the sternum, the fourth dimensional chakra. The entire large sphere, along with the original sphere, which is also still contained within the large sphere, moves up to the new meeting point within the tube. Though this is very easy to do, it is an extremely powerful movement. Breathing from this new point within the tube will inevitably change your awareness from third to fourth dimensional consciousness, or from earth consciousness to Christ consciousness. It will take awhile, but as I have said , it is inevitable.
BODY: This mudra will be used for the rest of the meditation. Place the left palm on top of the right palm for males and the right palm on top of the left palm for females. It is a mudra that relaxes.
BREATH: Rhythmic breath and deep. However, if you continue to breathe from your Christ center without moving on to the MER-KA-BA, which is what is recommended until you have made contact with your Higher Self, then shift to a shallow breath. In other words, breath rhythmically but in a comfortable manner where your attention is more on the flow of energy moving up and down the tube meeting at the sternum and expanding out to the large sphere. Just feel the flow. Use your feminine side to just be. At this point don’t think, just breath, feel and be. Feel your connection to All Life through the Christ Breath. Remember your intimate connection with God.

The Last Three Breaths

You are asked not to attempt this FOURTH PART until you have made contact with yourHigher Self, AND your Higher Self has given you permission to proceed. This part is to be taken seriously. The energies that will come into and around your body and spirit are of tremendous power. If you are not ready, you could hurt yourself. If your Higher Self gives you permission to enter into the MER-KA-BA, then don’t fear, for you will be ready.
MIND: Be aware of the whole star tetrahedron. Realize that there are three whole star tetrahedrons superimposed over each other. One is the body itself, and is locked in place and never, except under certain conditions, moves. It is placed around the body according to maleness or femaleness. The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature, it is electrical, is literally the human mind and rotates counter-clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it rotates toward your left side. The third whole star tetrahedron is female in nature, is magnetic, is literally the human emotional body and rotates clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it rotates toward your right side. To be clear, we are not telling you to rotate the male tetrahedron one way and the female the other way. When we say rotate the whole star tetrahedron, we mean the whole thing. On the inhale of the fifteenth breath, as you are inhaling, you will say to yourself, in your head, the code words, EQUAL SPEED. This will tell your mind that you want the two rotatable whole star tetrahedrons to begin spinning in opposite directions at equal speeds at the time of the exhale. Meaning that for every complete rotation of the mind tetrahedrons, there will be a complete rotation of the emotional tetrahedrons.
BODY: Continue the mudra of the folded hands from now on.
BREATH: Breath Yogic and rhythmically an deeply again, but only for the next three breaths, after that return to the shallow breathing.
MIND: The two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning. In an instant, they will be moving at exactly one third the speed of light at their outer tips. You probably will not be able to see this because of their tremendous speed, but you can feel it. What you have just done is to start the MOTOR of the MER-KA-BA. You will not go anywhere, or have an experience. It is just like starting the motor of a car, but having the transmission in neutral.
BREATH: Make a small hole with your lips just like you did for breath Number Ten. Blow out in the same manner, and as you do, feel the two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning.
MIND: This is the most amazing breath. On the inhale, as you are inhaling, say to yourself, in your head, THIRTY-FOUR – TWENTY-ONE. This is the code to your mind to spin the two sets of tetrahedrons at a ratio of 34-21. Meaning the Mind tetrahedrons spinning to the left will go around 34 times while the emotional tetrahedrons spinning to the right will go around 21 times. As the two sets speed up the ratio will remain constant.
BREATH: Breathe rhythmically and Yogic.
MIND: As you let out the breathe, the two sets of tetrahedrons take off from their one third speed of light setting to two third speed of light in an instant. As they approach two thirds speed of light speed a phenomena takes place. A disk about 55 feet in diameter forms around the body at the level of the base of the spine. And the sphere of energy that is centered around the two sets of tetrahedrons forms with the disk to create a shape that looks like a FLYING SAUCER around the body. This energy matrix is called the MER-KA-BA. However, it is not stable. If you see or sense the MER-KA-BA around you at this point, you will know it to be unstable. It will be slowly wobbling.
Therefore Breath Number Seventeen is necessary.
BREATH: Same as breath 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. It is at this point that the speeds increases. As you feel the speed increasing, let out all your breath with force. This action will cause the higher speed to be fully obtained and the MER-KA-BA to be formed.
HEART: Remember, unconditional love for all life must be felt through out all of this meditation or no results will be realized.
MIND: As you breathe in, say to yourself, in your head, the code NINE TENTHS THE SPEED OF LIGHT. This code will tell your mind to increase the speed of the MER-KA-BA to nine tenths the speed of light which will stabilize the rotating field of energy. It will also do something else. This third dimensional universe that we live in is tuned to 9/10 the speed of light. Every electron in your body is rotating around every atom in your body at 9/10 the speed of light. This is the reason this particular speed is selected.
BREATH: Breathe rhythmically and in a Yogic manner.
Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Teaching Of The MER-KA-BA | In5D.comSEVENTEENTH BREATH: Exhale
MIND: The speed increases to 9/10 the speed of light and stabilizes the MER-KA-BA.
BREATH: Same as breath 15 and 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. As you feel the speed take off, let all your breath out with force. You are now in your stable and Third dimensionally tuned MER-KA-BA. With the help of your Higher Self, you will understand what this really means.
EIGHTEENTH BREATH: This very special breath will not be taught here. You must receive it from Your Higher Self. It is the breath that will take you through the speed of light into the fourth dimension. You will disappear from this world and reappear in another one that will be your new home for awhile. This is not the end, but the beginning of an ever expanding consciousness returning you HOME to your FATHER.
Below, you’ll find the guided meditation for this exercise:
In tee first hour of this interview below, Gerald Clark talks about the importance of the 17 breath meditation as a tool given to us by the Anunnaki.  He also goes into more detail in his book The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising:



O DNA HUMANO É UMA INTERNET BIOLÓGICA, e superior em muitos aspectos à nossa internet artificial. Pesquisas de cientistas russos explicam direta e indiretamente fenômenos como a clarividência, intuição, atos de cura espontâneos ou improváveis, técnicas de auto-cura, técnicas de afirmação, luzes/auras incomuns em volta das pessoas, influência da mente nos padrões climáticos e muito mais. Além disso, há evidências de um novo tipo de medicina nas quais o DNA pode ser influenciado e reprogramado por palavras e freqüências SEM cortar e substituir um único gene.
Apenas 10% do nosso DNA está sendo usado para construir proteínas. É este subconjunto do DNA que é do interesse dos pesquisadores ocidentais e está sendo examinado e categorizado. Os outros 90% são considerados “DNA lixo”. Os investigadores russos, no entanto, convencidos de que a natureza não produz nada sem uma função específica, juntou-se a lingüistas e geneticistas em uma aventura para explorar os 90% de “DNA lixo.” Seus resultados, descobertas e conclusões são simplesmente revolucionários! De acordo com eles, o nosso DNA não é apenas responsável pela construção de nosso corpo, mas também serve como armazenamento de dados e na comunicação. Os lingüistas russos descobriram que o código genético, especialmente nos aparentemente inúteis 90%, segue as mesmas regras que todas as nossas linguagens humanas. Para este fim, eles compararam as regras da sintaxe (a forma em que as palavras são unidas para frases formulário e sentenças), a semântica (o estudo do significado nas formas de linguagem) e as regras básicas da gramática. Eles descobriram que os alcalinos de nosso DNA seguem uma gramática regular e têm regras do jogo assim como nossas línguas. Línguas para humanos não aparecem por acaso, mas são um reflexo de nosso DNA inerente.
O biofísico russo e biólogo molecular Pjotr ​​Garjarev e seus colegas também exploraram o comportamento vibratório do DNA. [Para efeitos de concisão Vou dar apenas um resumo aqui. Para a exploração, por favor consulte o apêndice no final deste artigo] O resultado foi: “. Cromossomas vivos funcionam como  computadores solitonicos / holográficos, usando a radiação laser endógena do DNA.” Isto significa, que conseguiram modular, por exemplo, certos padrões de frequência de raio laser e com isso influenciaram a frequência de DNA e, portanto, a própria informação genética. Uma vez que a estrutura básica dos pares de DNA e da linguagem (como explicado anteriormente) são da mesma estrutura, nenhuma decodificação do DNA é necessária. Pode-se simplesmente usar palavras e sentenças da linguagem humana! Isto, também, foi provado experimentalmente! Substância de DNA vivo (no tecido vivo, não in vitro) sempre reagirá aos raios laser de linguagem moduladas e até às ondas de rádio, se as frequências apropriadas forem  usadas.
Isso explica cientificamente afinal porque  as afirmações, o treinamento autógeno, hipnose e similares podem ter efeitos tão fortes nos humanos e seus corpos. É inteiramente normal e natural para o nosso DNA reagir à linguagem. Enquanto os pesquisadores ocidentais cortam genes únicos de cadeias de DNA e os inserem em outros lugares, os russos entusiasticamente trabalham em dispositivos que podem influenciar o metabolismo celular através de frequências moduladas de rádio e de luz adequadas e assim reparar defeitos genéticos.
O grupo de pesquisa de Garjajev conseguiu provar que, com este método, cromossomos danificados por raios-x, por exemplo, podem ser reparados. Eles inclusive capturaram padrões de informação de um DNA particular e o transmitiram para outro, assim reprogramando as células para outro genoma. Desta forma eles transformaram com sucesso, por exemplo, embriões de rã em embriões de salamandra simplesmente transmitindo os padrões de informação de DNA! Desta forma a informação por inteiro foi transmitida sem nenhum dos efeitos colaterais ou desarmonias encontradas quando cortam e re-inserem genes únicos do DNA. Isso representa uma inacreditável revolução e sensação de transformação do mundo! Tudo isto pela simples aplicação da vibração e da linguagem em vez do procedimento de corte arcaico. Esta experiência aponta para o imenso poder das ondas genéticas, que obviamente têm uma influência maior na formação dos organismos do que os processos bioquímicos das seqüências alcalinas.
Bloop Illustrateur
Místicos antigos, esotéricos e professores espirituais já sabiam há várias eras que nossos corpos são programáveis pela linguagem, palavras e pensamentos. Isso agora foi cientificamente provado e explicado. A freqüência, é claro, precisa ser correta. E é por isso que nem todos são igualmente bem sucedidos ou podem fazê-lo sempre com a mesma força. O indivíduo deve trabalhar nos processos internos e maturidade, a fim de estabelecer uma comunicação consciente com seu próprio DNA. Os pesquisadores russos trabalham em um método que não depende destes fatores, mas sempre funcionará, desde que usem a freqüência correta.
Porém, quanto maior é o desenvolvimento da conciência de um indivíduo, menos ele precisa de qualquer tipo de artifício! Cada um pode alcançar estes resultados por si só, e a ciência pode finalmente parar de rir de tais idéias e confirmar e explicar seus resultados. E não termina por aí. Os cientistas russos descobriram também que o nosso DNA pode causar padrões de perturbação no vácuo,com isso produzindo buracos-de-minhoca (Wormholes) magnéticos!  Wormholes são os equivalentes microscópicos das chamadas pontes Einstein-Rosen em proximidade com os buracos negros (deixados por estrelas que se apagam). São conexões de túnel entre áreas totalmente diferentes no universo através das quais informações podem ser transmitidas fora do espaço e do tempoO DNA atrai estes pedaços de informação e as passa para a nossa consciência. Este processo de hiper-comunicação é mais eficaz num estado de relaxamento. Stress, preocupações ou um intelecto hiperativo impedem a efetividade da hiper comunicação e a informação pode ser totalmente distorcida e inútil.

Traduzido do BeforItsNews

Developing Discernment

Developing Discernment

Developing Discernment

Learning to See Truth in Today’s Complex World:
A new time is upon us as the many challenges of today’s world escalate and cry out for healing. What is needed now is concerted action on the part of each individual, to join together with others to create positive change in the world. This is not always as easy as it sounds, for the problems we face individually and collectively are multi-layered, and the process of attempting to create positive change activates many forces that oppose change.
Another challenge faced by anyone who wished to help create positive change in the world, is that of developing discernment and the ability to see underneath the surface of things to understand what is really going on. This ability to discern truth will become even more important in the years ahead.
In today’s world, there is much at stake and all of us have a part to play in helping to create the kind of world that we wish to leave to our children and grandchildren. How then do we navigate the enormous complexities of today’s world, and make the kinds of decisions and choices that will have a positive outcome?
The following are some ways that you can begin to hone your innate sense of truth and to develop discernment in relation to the information you receive.
1. Truth has a vibration, a quality of energy that can be felt. We are born with the ability to sense this, and many of us had to “learn” to ignore our truth sense in order to survive in the world. Truth can be felt in the body, the mind and the heart. You can begin to develop discernment by having the intention to do so. Your intention will activate a learning process that will create a healing process that restores your natural inner sense of truth.
2. Remember that all information has a bias. In today’s world, the mainstream media sources of information all have vested financial interests and biases that they transmit through their broadcasts. You need to develop the ability to question what you are hearing or seeing, to do your own research, and then asking your “inner truth meter” whether the information feels credible to you.
3. When you need to make important decisions about people, you need to have your own experience of that individual. It is not enough to listen to experts commenting on that person, you need to see and hear them yourself, or read what they have written in their own words. Pay attention not just to the words, but to what is said underneath the words, through the body language and energy of the person.
4. Learn to pay attention to your body’s subtle physical and emotional signals, which often have information that your conscious mind may have learned to ignore. This is useful in all situations, and especially in relation to listening to other people speak. Your innate inner truth sense is always operating, even when you may have learned to not listen to it. For example, you notice that whenever you hear a particular person speak, you find yourself feeling tense and getting a little spaced out, and you “tune out” their words. Another person that you see appears seems likeable enough, but your “gut feelings” put up a red flag, and just don’t trust them. Another person speaks and you find yourself feeling empowered and uplifted, and want to hear more of what they say. These body signals can provide important information to you that is beyond what your conscious mind is aware of.
5. Become aware of your own emotional baggage that you carry, that may influence your choices. For example, if you grew up with an abusive father and developed a problem with authority figures, become aware of the emotional dynamics that are operating in your life as a result of this. How does your past affect the choices you make in your life today? How do these influence your perceptions of people? Do these choices empower you today? You have the ability to see clearly, beyond your personal emotional pain of the past.
As each of us creates the intention to see clearly and to make choices based on our own inner sense of truth, we can expand the network of love, light and truth in the world and help to create a more positive future for all of humanity.

quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2015

Exames de imagem de cérebros apoiam Teoria Freudiana: A culpa é a chave da depressão.

Exames de imagem de cérebros apoiam Teoria Freudiana: A culpa é a chave da depressão.

-culpa e depressão

Tradução: Google
Pesquisadores da Universidade de Manchester descobriram que as imagens do cérebro de pessoas com um histórico de depressão diferiram nas regiões associadas com a culpa e do conhecimento do comportamento socialmente aceitável de pessoas que não são depressivas.
O estudo – publicado na revista Archives of General Psychiatry – fornece a primeira evidência de mecanismos cerebrais para explicar observação clássica de Freud de que a culpa e auto-culpa são a chave para a compreensão da depressão.
O pesquisador chefe, Roland Zahn, da Faculdade de Ciências Psicológicas da Universidade, disse: “Nossa pesquisa fornece a primeira observação do mecanismo do cérebro que poderia explicar a observação clássica de Freud de que a depressão se distingue de tristeza normal pela propensão a sentimentos exagerados de culpa ou auto-culpa .
“Pela primeira vez, vamos mapear as regiões do cérebro que interagem para conectar o conhecimento detalhado sobre o comportamento socialmente adequado – o lobo temporal anterior – com sentimentos de culpa – a região subgenual do cérebro – em pessoas que são propensas a depressão. ”
O estudo utilizou a ressonância magnética funcional (fMRI) para mapear o cérebro de um grupo de pessoas após a remissão de depressão grave por mais de um ano, e um grupo de controle que nunca tiveram depressão. Ambos os grupos foram convidados a imaginar agindo mal, por exemplo, ser “mesquinho” ou “mandona” para com os seus melhores amigos. Eles, então, informaram os seus sentimentos para a equipe de pesquisa.
“Os exames revelaram que as pessoas com um histórico de depressão não possuem as regiões do cérebro associadas com a culpa e do conhecimento do comportamento apropriado em conjunto tão forte como o grupo de controle, disse o Dr. Zahn, um MRC Clínico colega cientista.
“Curiosamente, esta”dissociação” só ocorre quando as pessoas propensas a depressão se sentem culpadas ou culpam a si mesmos, mas não quando se sentem raiva ou culpam os outros. Isso pode refletir uma falta de acesso a detalhes sobre o que exatamente era inadequado sobre o seu comportamento quando se sentiram culpadas , alargando assim a culpa a fatos que eles não são responsáveis mas se sentindo culpado por tudo. ”
A pesquisa, é importante porque revela os mecanismos cerebrais subjacentes dos sintomas específicos de depressão que podem explicar por que algumas pessoas reagem ao estresse com depressão e não agressão.
A equipe agora está investigando se os resultados do estudo podem ser usados ​​para prever o risco de depressão após a remissão de um episódio anterior. Se for bem sucedido, tal poderá ser o primeiro marcador de fMRI de risco de depressão futuro.
COMENTÁRIO  de Henrique Trejgier 
Pela Psicanálise, a culpa é uma consequência direta do ódio. No caso, a Psicanálise fala do ódio reprimido. Digamos que um bebê fica com fome e sua mãe demora para trazer o leite. Este bebê vai sentir ódio da mãe. Mas, a mãe chega 20 minutos depois com o leite. O bebê sente amor então. E o ódio sentido é reprimido no inconsciente, porque ele não pode odiar a mãe que ama. Apesar disso, a repressão não é eficaz. Se fosse, ninguém teria neuroses. Ódio reprimido gera culpa inconsciente. Mas, deixa sua marca no cérebro, conforme demonstram os exames.  É esta culpa de que a Psicanálise fala, e não uma simples consciência pesada. É a culpa que o sujeito sente, sem saber por que. Este é o escopo do tratamento psicanalítico. Tratar a culpa que sentimos sobre aquilo que não sabemos que fizemos.
A Psicanálise reverte isso, através da conscientização e ressignificação deste ódio.